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Tropical Storm Eta has caused damaging strong high waves, storm surges & flooding to Utila iTropical Storm Eta Damage at Chepes Beach, Utila, Hondurasn the Bay Islands of Honduras. We are estimating over $100,000 of damages to public areas and roads. Additionally, the already once rescheduled holiday, Semana Morazanica, has been cancelled due to the hurricane, causing further fiscal damages to already fragile economy caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Support Utila aims to reduce the impact of Tropical Storm Eta by assisting in the rebuilding coastline of Chepes Beach, restoring the unpaved road that has almost completely washed away during the storm, and other public areas that suffered storm damages.  Additional coastal protection is being planned to protect repaired areas against erosion from future storms. Our team and volunteers on Utila ready to go into action.
Community benefit from the restoration & repairs include:
1. Tuk-Tuk Drivers – Transporting tourists to/from Chepes Beach, Hurricane Eta's damaged road in Blue Bayouand to the boat to Neptunes is one of their current major income sources
2. Many businesses lack their own beach or dive shop, and depend on Chepes Beach as a tourist attraction for their customers
3. Job generation from repair & restoration aids in economic recovery
4. Utila stays beautiful and tourists from around the world can continue visiting Utila, and Chepes Beach.


Donate to Hurricane Eta & Tropical Storm Eta Relief for Utila at:
Initial repair efforts from the Municipality at Chepes Beach for Tropical Storm Eta restorationFacebook FundraiserRoad broken by Hurricane Eta
GlobalGiving Fundraiser

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